Thursday, May 13, 2010

New Media Class So Far

Well, since I'm a bit behind on my assignments, we're almost at the end of the semester. I have to say, that looking back over the last few months, New Media class has been a very enlightening and enriching experience. The hybrid nature of the class actually enhances the experience and actually shows how much can be accomplished with New Media.

Overall, I think I've been doing okay in class. I've been a bit behind on some assignments, but I do my best to submit quality work and I try to add to the class discussion whenever possible.

I'm very glad that I decided to take this class and it has definitely piqued my interest to pursue more schooling.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Modeling Reality in Virtual Worlds

Virtual Worlds were fodder for science-fiction in the recent past, now they are near ubiquitous in this era of Web 2.0.

One of the most popular of these Virtual Worlds, is Second Life. Second Life was launched in 2003 and allows it's users free access to its world in which interaction is done through personalized avatars. The uses of Second Life are vast and varied. Some use it as a way to spend leisure time and get a break from "real life." Others use it for socializing, much like Facebook.

Second Life also allows for virtual classrooms, which many institutions of higher education use. Also, corporations are taking their board meetings and conference calls online to Second Life.

One thing I was not aware of until I read it in Stephanie Simon's WSJ article, is that medical students are also using SL for training in the treatment of patients.

Whenever new technology comes to forefront there is always a downside to go along with the upside. While SL can be an amazing tool for businesses and individuals (especially those with disabilities who cannot experience all that "real life" has to offer), the flipside of the coin is that it can become consuming. People need to be able to draw the line and not let their Second Life overtake their 'First Life', and make sure they forge relationships and remain sociable in the real world.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Social Networking

Social Networks can be very powerful tools, but they are only worth what you make of them. In fact, that statement is applicable to the Internet as a whole. You can spend your days blogging about local politics, researching topics that interest you, shopping, talking to friends, or simply watching videos of cats in silly situations.

When it comes to Social Networks, they can be used simply as a way to keep in touch with friends and family or a place to play online games. On the other end of the spectrum, are personal blogs and a platform to promote yourself or your business. No matter how you use SNs, the benefits are apparent. There's no easier way to keep in touch, and even see, so many people. I'm able to see what my family in Florida and Texas are doing, including pictures, when I only get to see them in person once a year or even less. With regards to the business aspect, there is no cheaper, easier and more efficient way to reach your target audience than through the internet/social networks.

Now, having said all that, it's not as if everything is gumdrops and rainbows when it comes to this subject. Along with the debatable issues (from the Freakonomics Blog) including less face-to-face interaction, and the fact that it is becoming increasinly difficult to "disconnect", there is certainly a more sinister side.

One part of that sinister side are Gossip Sites (Chronicle of Higher Education). These sites are basically a platform for personal attacks from behind the shroud of anonymity that is the internet. Many a reputation has been tarnished and many more will be thanks to these sorts of sites.

The even darker side of Social Networks consists of stalkers and child predators. Between the (near) anonymity and the ease of access to photos and chat rooms, it has never been easier for a certain sect of society to partake in these deviant acts. Obviously, stalkers and pedophiles are not new to society. They have been around as long as humankind has, and while we will never completely eradicate these people from the earth, we can become more educated and actively educate the younger generations in ways to avoid becoming a victim. Much like when a parent tells their child not to take candy from strangers, parents of the 20th Century will need to imprint the same fear, except now the candy is digital.

Sampling Social Networking

With all the Social Networking sites around these days, it could become pretty overwhelming if you're trying to decide which to use and for what purpose. From Facebook to Myspace to LinkedIn to Hi5 to Friendster, just to name a few, the plethora of options could make your head spin.

I am, or have been, a member of all the Social Networks listed above. For the most part, they are all very similar. They all allow you to create a personal profile with photos and biographical information. Here are some thoughts on each one individually:

Friendster: This is first one I ever signed up for, as it was the first "Social Networking" site that I had ever heard of (though I don't think "social networking" was in our lexicon back then). It was very basic compared to some of the other sites to come after it. You able to add friends, send messages and post "Testimonials" on your friends' profiles.

hi5: The second one I joined, after getting invited by a friend. I didn't know at the time, but this was (and is) the largest Social Network in Latin America. It had a little more flair than Friendster, as it allowed you to send icons and comments to people not on your friend list.

MySpace: This site pretty much started to Social Network "boom" of the middle of the last decade. MySpace allowed users a great deal of freedom to customize their profiles with html code to add wallpapers, pictures, songs, videos and much more. Many sites popped up with tutorials and code-generators for users to copy and use in their profiles. It all of a sudden became acceptable to "friend" total strangers on MySpace, and it was this aspect that caused many to use it as a personal promotion site. Some people have become famous by way of MySpace (Tila Tequila, to name one) and it is used by many musical artists to promote and disseminate their work.

Facebook: Initially only available to students, Facebook opened registration to the general public within the last 3 years. This is one of only two Social Network sites that I check regularly (the other is below). Facebook doesn't have the freedom of customization that MySpace has, but that has worked to its advantage as the member profiles are much less cluttered. Facebook was the first to have "apps" available to users, the most popular of which are games such as Farmville and Scrabble. Facebook is constantly evolving in an attempt to make the user experience as pleasurable as possible.

LinkedIn: This is the least "social" of the Social Networking sites. LinkedIn is a professional networking site where users post some biographical information, but the focus is on education and work experience. I've heard that many HR departments use LinkedIn as a tool to screen potential employees. It is very straight-laced, and instead of friends, comments and wall posts, there are connections and recommendations.

Basically, these sites are what you make of them. If you are looking for a career change, try LinkedIn, if you want to keep in touch with friends and family, or promote your own venture, Facebook and MySpace are the places to go. One thing is certain, Social Networking sites are here to say, and only time will tell how they will evolve in the coming years.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Blogs vs. Wikis

Blogs, wikis, blogs, wikis, blogs, wikis... Everywhere I look, it's blogs and wikis. But, what are they, and why are they ubiquitous?

Meriam-Webster's Online Dictionary defines them as such

blog: noun: a Web site that contains an online personal journal with reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks provided by the writer; also : the contents of such a site.

wiki: noun: a Web site that allows visitors to make changes, contributions, or corrections

Pretty straightforward stuff. I would boil it down to the fact that blogs are maintained by a small number of people (fewer than 10, in most cases), while wikis are maintained by much larger groups (from the double-digits to billions, in the case of Wikipedia). They both allow for collaboration. Wikis - throughout all content, and blogs - by way of comments and blogrolls.

Blogs are at the forefront of media convergence. Virtually every traditional newspaper and magazine that has an online presence (which is convergence in and of itself) has one or more bloggers working for them. The New York Times has close to 50 blogs that cover topics ranging from technology to politics to college sports.

With all new forms of media, comes scrutiny. Blogs have been criticized for misreporting news items, and it is often overlooked that they are a source of opinion and not unbiased news.

Wikis on the other hand, and most notably, Wikipedia, have come under scrutiny for inaccuracies and a "Wild West" feel, based on the fact that virtually anyone can contribute to its content. Some of which has been abated by the implementation of moderators, as noted in the CNN article by John D. Sutter.

Another criticism of wikis has come from fact that semi-sensitive information may be shared. As illustrated in Noam Cohen's New York Times article, "Wikipedia has been engulfed in a furious debate involving psychologists who are angry that the 10 original Rorschach plates are reproduced online, along with common responses for each. For them, the Wikipedia page is the equivalent of posting an answer sheet to next year’s SAT."

The fact of the matter is, with new forms of media, there are going to be some bumps in the road. Content mediation and censorship, not the least of these concerns. However, with the broad reach, ease-of-use, and low cost of wikis and blogs, it appears they are here to stay.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Old Media vs. New Media

When we consider what is "New" and what is "Old" in regards to media, we have to criteria besides when the media was "born," so to say.

As the YouTube video we watched in class illustrates, all forms of media were "New" at one time, even the book. So, when we talk about "New" vs. "Old" media, we can't just look at a calendar and draw a line where "Old" ends and "New" begins. What we need to take note of is: How is the media distributed? and, What is the user experience?

As far as distribution, virtually all New Media is accessed over the internet. Whether through a phone line, cable, satellite, or wireless, the internet, or in a more broad sense, the network, is an integral part of New Media. The fact that blogs, wikis, social networks, etc. are interactive is what makes them "New". These formats allow users from all over the world to contribute and provide input on a level that has never before been seen in the history of humankind.

The "Old" way of consuming media was as such: You bought a book and you read it. Maybe you lent it to a friend, but that was the extent of the "user-interactivity". Nowadays, you can still buy that same book, but now, you can read blogs about it and add your own comments. You can start a Wikipedia page for the book (if one doesn't already exist) and have millions of people around the world contributing to the page. You can join a forum for people who particularly enjoyed the book, and you can share your thoughts and feelings about it with people across all cultures.

Never has the user experience been so all-encompassing and fulfilling as it is today. The beauty of the internet is that it provides a platform for all pursuits, from the most mass-appealing to the most obscure and specialized. This is what makes New Media truly New.

My Term Project

My topic is titled, "Free Content: What is the Cost?"

I plan to explore the phenomenon of companies offering free content on the internet, and how they try to make money off of it. Also, I will explore the cost to the user, for example, in terms of less privacy (Google tracking), and more ads and clutter. I will try to touch on as many industries as possible, and hypothesize where I think this trend will lead.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What is New Media?

It is easy to say that New Media is Web 2.0, or that it comprises blog, wikis, Facebook, etc.

But, if you're not familiar with these terms, you should first crawl out from under the rock you've been living under for the past 10 years. After that, you should understand that all the terms stated above refer to a level of interactivity and intercommunication unprecedented in the span of human existence. Never before has collaboration and feedback from such a large community been so quickly and easily attained. Not too mention the access we gain when journalists "tweet" from press conferences in real-time, or as in the article by James Dao, a soldier relays his experiences from the front-line for all civilians to see. That is what we truly mean by "New Media".

Of course, without the Internet, none of this would be possible. The Internet is, concisely put, the greatest collection of human knowledge and experience the world has ever known. Without the inter-connectivity of the online community, there would not be any New Media.

One interesting thing about the New Media "Revolution" is how much it has affected Old Media. In some ways it has enhanced it. For example, a person can now watch a television show and then go online to a message board or a blog and share thoughts and opinions about it with people that they would otherwise have no contact with.

That isn't to say that there haven't been negative impacts on Old Media. The newspaper and magazine, in their paper form, are virtually obsolete. Virtually every newspaper and magazine is available online these days (sometimes totally free), which decreases demand for physical copies. Also, as Melissa Gerry says in her article about Celebrity Blogs, the old horses, like Entertainment Tonight and Access Hollywood, are being outdone by the Gawkers, TMZs, and Perez Hiltons of the online world.

In summation, New Media is all of these things and more. In fact, it is likely that New Media involves something that hasn't even been conjured up yet. The possibilities are truly endless.